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Since 1/07/2009 a Ministerial Decision issues in order to allow the installation of photovoltaic systems on buildings roofs. This decision stands not only for the Main Greece but for the Greek Islands too with a total power around 5KW. Especially in Crete this total power can reach 10KW. Finally this decision became a Greek State law on 22/09/2010.

The solar power system is a mechanism that is placed on the building’s roof, that produces electricity. For example, in Crete such a mechanism produces in 1KW system power around 1450Kwh per year.

The selling price for the produced energy is 0,55 € / kwh and it is multiple to the current price we buy it. So for every installed power system of 1KW we have an annual income around 800€ and for a 10KW we reach the 8.000€ per year especially in Crete because its latitude. At the moment this latitude is one of the best in Europe in the utilization of solar energy.

The program is for residential consumers and very small businesses that wish to install a 10KWp PV system for Crete or a 5KWp PV system for the rest islands, on their roofs, terraces and including the terraces shelters. In order to participate to the program you must own the place in which the pv is going to be installed.

To connect the PV system, the PPC will install a new meter at a cost of 800 € to record the energy generated. All output from the PV system electricity fed into the electricity network and get paid for it with 0,55 € / kWh, the price is guaranteed for 25 years. You continue to buy power from the PPC and to pay the price you pay now (0,10 – 0,12 €/ kWh).

The citizen-investor trader is, in other words not obliged to open records to the tax office. As stated in the ministerial decision, "there are for the main photovoltaic system no tax liabilities for the release of this energy network". In other words, any income you get from the sale of energy is not taxed.